Change Is a Good Thing: New Empowerment Workshops Underway

As most of you know, Mary Quinn has served as CWC’s Director of Financial Education for 7 years, was named the 2021 Heart of Charlotte Community Educator of the Year and is widely known in the Charlotte area as a recognized expert in trauma-informed financial education. We wanted to take this time to share with you that Mary has moved to Australia with her fiancé and will thus be leaving our team later this summer. We have long considered our financial education led by Mary to be one of CWC’s greatest strengths; however, with change comes opportunity, and we are now in the process of re-tooling our education process.

What does this mean for now? There will likely be limited opportunities to assist with on-site workshops with our partners this summer, but stay tuned as we work to create additional ways for you to engage in our work. For volunteers, you can always check out the opportunities here and subscribe to the volunteer newsletter for more timely requests (this is where we will also communicate the next phase of the new workshop process for you to get back involved with).

Mary will now be staffed at CWC as a virtual consultant in delivering workshops and developing curriculum. Watch a video message from her below as she gives a “hello!” from Perth, Australia - thank you for your patience and support, stay tuned for upcoming workshop announcements! 


Atrium Health, Goodwill, Common Wealth Charlotte among groups trying to solve 'benefits cliff' issue


Common Wealth Charlotte returns $310,627 to the pockets of Latino taxpayers in second year of VITA Latino